Box 274, Grundy Center, IA 50638
We are working towards a bigger and better fair. Please help us by choosing one of the many options to sponsor the fair listed below. Sponsorships can be directed towards a certain event or show, go towards our general fund, towards a wish list project or even go towards the amazing awards presented to our exhibitors at the fair! Thank you!! Every donation/sponsorship helps!
Thank you for donating to the Grundy County Fair! We are excited to do business with you. Please fill out the form below and one of our board members will contact you to follow up with your donation. Please let us know if you have a jpeg of your logo available as we would like to publicize your generosity on the front of our website with our other donors.
Donation Form
General Donations/Sponsorships:
- $0-$99: Friends of the Fair: Name in Thank You ad in newspaper.
- $100-$249 Blue Ribbon Donation: Name in thank you ad in newspaper, mentioned during Grandstand Events.
- $250-$499 Purple Ribbon Donation: Name in thank you ad in newspaper, mentioned in Grandstand Events, logo on social media.
- $500-$999 Reserve Sponsor: Name on schedule, logo on social media & individual banner in Grandstands.
- $1000-$1999 Champion Sponsor: Own banner at front gate, logo on social media, name on schedule, logoon newspaper ads, 4 FREE Event passes for 1 night & FREE :30 ad to air Friday & Saturday night during Grandstand events.
- $2000 + Grand Champion: Own banner at front gate, logo on social media, name on schedule, logo on newspaper ads, 8 FREE Event passes for 1 night & FREE :30 ad to air Friday & Saturday night during Grandstand events & 25 FREE drink tickets.
- $5,000 Supreme Champion: Own banner at front gate, logo on social media, name on schedule, logo on newspaper ads, 16 FREE Event passes for 1 night & FREE :30 ad to air Friday & Saturday night during Grandstand events & 50 FREE drink tickets.
- $10,000 Grand Supreme Champion: Own banner at front gate, logo on social media, name on schedule, logo on newspaper ads, 16 FREE Event passes for 1 night & FREE :30 ad to air Friday & Saturday night during Grandstand events & 100 FREE drink tickets and 2-day RESERVED parking spot by Grandstands.
- $20,000 Best of the Best Champion: Customized Sponsorship
- $50,000 Ultimate Sponsor: Customized Sponsorship
*Any donation $500+ gets logo on Donor Banner.
Livestock Sponsorship
$1000+ for Beef, Swine, Horse or Sheep Shows
$500 sponsorship for Poultry, Rabbit or Dog Show receives:
- :30 ad to air during Friday/Saturday Grandstand events
- Own banner for shows & at bar
- Company name on fair schedule printed, in paper, on radio, on FB, Twitter
- Spot on live remotes Thursday night and Saturday
- Company name mentioned in radio spots
- Logo featured on Facebook & Twitter pages
- Logo on front page of website
- Company name listed in Thank You ad after fair
- Company name mentioned multiple times during Friday and Saturday night Grandstand Events
The Grundy County Fair Board is proud to announce the three big capital campaign projects in the works for the upcoming years. With your help, we can make these dreams come true. The four projects listed below are our main focus in the coming years to make this a better fair for you and our community. These projects will be utilized all year round, not just for the fair. Ask a fair board member for more information
- New Grandstands including new sound and lights.
- New Covered Arena
- New Campground beginning with 20 sites and continuing to grow
- New Ticket & Concessions Building for one-stop tickets, drinks and snacks
Thank you from the Fair Board: Jared Gutknect, Kyle Dudden, Jodi Michael, Clay Geitter, Katrina Hemann, Justin Lynch, Luke Kjormoe, Brandon VanLoh, Dr. Kurt Steckelberg, Jeff Greiner, Curt Kyhl, Pat Brown II, Jason Scafferi, Jody Peters, Bryan Moeller, Brian Feldpausch, Jason Steinmeyer, Jenny Meyers, and Renee Messmore.

Grundy County Fair
July 21-26, 2025